Wednesday 8 December 2010

Pro - Desktop

Pro-Desktop is a feature-based solid modeller software with kinematic motion and high-quality photo-realistic rendering.

This is a 3D model of a  Zaha Hadid inspired vase, which was done in Pro-Desktop last year for a project. The 3D model had been extruded and the edges have been rounded.  

This shows how to cenvert your drwaing in Pro-Desktop into an Engineering drawing.

This image shows the engineering drawing of the vase.
Below are other models that have been made in Pro-Desktop:

You can Render 3D models on Pro-Desktop and add colour and materials to the models, to improve the 
appearance of it in the album section.
Images below show one of my models that I made for product design 2 module task 1.

Before the Iamge was Rendered

You can see that a background was added and the colour of the model has changed.

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